Almost 50 Years of History
The Calgary Italian School was created on a vision--the vision of community members who believed so strongly in the importance of educating our young people about their rich cultural heritage that they were willing to create something from nothing. The following outlines the highlights of the school's history.

1973 - On the initiative of Consul. Dott. Giovanni Germano, a committee community leaders is formed to discuss the possibility of opening a school in Calgary. With the support of the Calgary Italian Club, initial meetings were held, and it is when Alberto Romano presents the committee with a list of 60 interested students' names that the project gains momentum. Serafino Scarpino succeeds in finding 120 more students, and it is clear that the dream is about to become a reality.
Early committee members include: Alberto Romano, Serafino Scarpino, Jimmy Barbaro, Joe Commissotti, Norma Massolin, Cosma Ius, Rodolfo Pacione, Gary Cioni, Eda De Santis, Vince-Consul Dott. Sandro Silenzi, and Vice-Principal Pasqualotto of St. Mary's High School.
1974 - By the first day of classes on January 5, 1974, student enrolment is up to 200. The Consolato Generale d'Italia in Vancouver makes an initial contribution of $1,000. Classes are held on two separate campuses: one at St. Alphonsus and the other at St. Michael's.
1976 - Classes move to St. Mary's Italian Club.
1978 - The school moves to its present home. The Calgary Italian Club.
1981 - A curriculum for Italian 10, 20 and 30 is developed jointly with the Dante Alighieri School in Edmonton and the provincial government, and the three programs receive official accreditation.
1985 - A $500 scholarship to promote the study of Italian language and culture is established, to be awarded to the student with highest grade in Italian 30.
1987 - In collaboration with the Calgary Italian Club, the Italian-Canadian Folk Dancers of Calgary is born. Most of the original dancers come from the classrooms of the Calgary Italian School.
1988 - A scholarship for study at the Università per gli Stranieri in Perugia, Italy is established. Alberto Romano, after 14 years of dedicated service, resigns as President. Domenico Rossi takes on the role.
1997 - Teaching is enhanced by the acquisition of a variety of multimedia resources.
1998 - The Calgary Italian School develops its very own curriculum in compliance with provincial directives.
1999 - The Calgary Italian School proudly celebrates 25 years of success in fostering the study of Italian language and culture in the Calgary community.
2004 - Thanks to the financial support of several Italian associations, the Calgary Italian School renovates its premises by adding six new classrooms for its growing school population.
2006 - The Calgary Italian School is instrumental in the offering of ISL (Italian as a Second Language) in two elementary schools with the Calgary Catholic Board beginning September 2006. Domenico Rossi, after 18 years of dedicated service, resigns as president. Caterina Greco-Mangone takes on the role.
2009 - The Calgary Italian School teaching staff revises the school Program of Study Scopriamo l'italiano to include student outcomes and classroom activities in line with Alberta Education Italian Language and Culture 12 year Program and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
2010 - The newly revised Scopriamo l'italiano program of study is implemented in all courses.
2010-2014 - The Calgary Italian School undergoes a second turn of renovations that bring major improvements to classrooms and common areas.
2015-2016 - The Italian School yearbook is published for the first time and distributed at the end of the school year.
2016-2019 - Substantial investment in technology for teaching.