Seek the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
For other inquiries, please see our contact information at the bottom of this page.
What classes do we offer?
*please note that class offerings are contingent on sufficient registration numbers
Saturday Mornings - 9:10 am to 12:00 pm
Youth classes (Kindergarten to High School)
Youth classes are matched to age and regular school grade levels. All levels, with the exception of our senior High School courses, are suitable starting places to learn the language.
Italian 10, 20 and 30 are accredited Alberta Education courses.
Adult classes (A1 to B2)
We offer four levels of adult classes from beginner (A1) to advanced intermediate (B2). Our classes focus on all areas of the Italian language and culture (speaking, listening, writing...).
Tuesday Evenings - 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Adult classes (A1 to B2)
We offer four levels of adult classes from beginner (A1) to advanced intermediate (B2). Our classes focus on all areas of the Italian language and culture (speaking, listening, writing...).
How long are our "semesters"?
Our classes are offered for 9 months, starting in September of one calendar year and ending in late May or early June of the following calendar year.
Calendars for the current year are available on our home page.
Calendars for the upcoming year are made available on our registration page when it opens (see "How do I join a class?").
How much do classes cost?
Our tuition fees are one-time payments which cover the cost of courses for the entire year. We prefer payment via e-transfer or cheque.
Adult classes - $350 per adult
*adult classes require the purchase of a textbook not provided by the school.
Youth classes - $250 per child
How do I join a class?
Our registration is done virtually by filling out a form on our website under our "Registration" tab. This is made available every May to register for classes offered in September.
It is important to register as soon as registration opens to facilitate planning for the coming year.
A form must be completed for each individual intending to register. For example, if 4 members of a family wish to register, each individual must complete their own form.
After filling out the form, we process all registration requests manually. During this time we ask for your patience and will reach out with confirmation of your registration and further details in August.